Title | The 27th IAVE World Volunteer Conference 2024 BUSAN |
Date | 2024. 10. 22.(Tue.) ~ 25.(Fri), 4 days |
Venue | BPEX(Busan Port International Passenger Terminal) Go to Website |
Participants | Approximately 800 participants from over 80 countries in volunteerism |
Theme | People Power : Creating a Sustainable Future through Volunteering |
Program(s) | Plenary Sessions, Forums, Seminars, Information Marketplace and Busan Tour etc. |
Hosted/Organized by | IAVE(International Association for Volunteer Effort) IAVE WVC 2024 Busan Organizing Committee |
Supported by | Ministry of the Interior and Safety Busan Metropolitan City BNK Busan Bank Busan Metropolitan City Volunteer Center |
" Creating the moment and stimulating the dialogue " is IAVE’s goal for its convenings. We bring together diverse groups of leaders of volunteering in settings that encourage discussion, reflection, and learning. Participants are invited to focus on how to increase the impact of volunteering on the world’s most pressing problems.
Since the first world conference in 1970 in Los Angeles, USA, IAVE has convened 22 more global events. The structure of the conferences always includes plenaries with challenging and inspiring speakers; forums that dig deep into challenging issues confronting the field; workshops that are designed to present new ideas, expose highly effective practices and stimulate participant dialogue; and ample time to meet informally and to learn about the host country.
Recent World Volunteer Conferences - In 2022 IAVE held its 26th World Volunteer Conference in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The conference was hosted by the Emirates Foundation. Click below to watch highlights from the 2022 World Volunteer Conference.
In 2018 IAVE held its 25th World Volunteer Conference in Augsburg, Germany. The conference was hosted by Volunteer Center Augsburg.