[Day 1] OCT. 22nd(Tue)

Time Program
The IAVE Pre-Meetings
WVC 2024 Opening Ceremony
[Opening PlenaryⅠ]

People Power : Creating a Sustainable Future through Volunteering

Gala Dinner

[Day 2] OCT. 23rd(Wed)

Time Program
08:30~09:30 Registration & Exhibition (~17:00)
[Plenary Ⅱ]

Responding to the Sustainability Challenge

11:00~11:30 Networking Coffee Break
(*in Parallel)
[Forum 1]

Delivering a Sustainable Future – Transforming Volunteering in Response to Technological Innovations

[Forum 2]

Delivering a Sustainable Future – Volunteering and Place-based Change

[Forum 3]

Delivering a Sustainable Future – Collaboration and Collective Action through Volunteering to Deliver Greater Impact

[Forum 4]

Delivering a Sustainable Future - Enabling Self-orientated Volunteering and Civic Activism

13:00~14:30 Networking Lunch
(*in Parallel)
[Seminar 1]

Good Health & Well Being (SDG 3)– Volunteering to Combat Isolation and Create Healthy Communities

[Seminar 2]

Quality Education (SDG 4) – Volunteering to Enhance Lifelong Learning

[Seminar 3]

Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10) – Volunteering to Deliver Social Impact

[Seminar 4]

Sustainable Cities & Communities (SDG 11) – Involving a New Generation of Volunteers and New Models of Volunteering

[Seminar 5]

Climate Action (SDG 13) – Disaster Response and Volunteering to Combat Climate Change

[Seminar 6]

Insights into Volunteer Management Practices

[Seminar 7]

Measuring the Impact of Corporate Volunteering


Networking Coffee Break

[Plenary Ⅲ]

Imminent & Imperative: Tackling Climate Change

18:00~19:00 IAVE Members Meeting
18:30~20:00 Networking Dinner

[Day 3] OCT. 24th(Thur)

Time Program
08:30~09:30 Registration & Exhibition (~17:00)
[Plenary Ⅳ]

Into the Future, the Next Generation of Volunteers

11:00~11:30 Networking Coffee Break
(*in Parallel)
[Seminar 1]

Good Health & Well Being (SDG 3)– Volunteering to Combat Isolation and Create Healthy Communities

[Seminar 2]

Quality Education (SDG 4) – Volunteering to Enhance Lifelong Learning

[Seminar 3]

Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10) – Volunteering to Deliver Social Impact

[Seminar 4]

Sustainable Cities & Communities (SDG 11) – Involving a New Generation of Volunteers and New Models of Volunteering

[Seminar 5]

Climate Action (SDG 13) – Disaster Response and Volunteering to Combat Climate Change

[Seminar 6]

Insights into Volunteer Management Practices

[Seminar 7]

Measuring the Impact of Corporate Volunteering

13:00~14:30 Networking Lunch
(*in Parallel)
[Information Marketplace]

A Showcase of Good Practices

1) Rights, Responsibilities and Safety of Volunteers

2) Youth Leadership and Youth Led Volunteering - Making it Happen

3) Recruiting and Retaining Corporate Volunteers

4) Delivering Successful Micro Volunteering

5) Volunteering and Active Ageing

[Closing Plenary Ⅴ]

People Power : the Future We Want to Make

16:30~17:30 Networking Coffee Break
17:30~19:00 Korea Cultural Night

[Day 4] OCT. 25th(Fri)

Time Program
09:00~16:00 The IAVE Board Meeting
10:00~14:00 Busan Tour